A leading Polish drinks manufacturer

The origins of the company can be traced back to 1991, when it started its activities in Spytkowice.
At present, a newly erected head office and a modern manufacturing plant are located in the Economic Activity Zone in Zator.
The allocation of the company fell to the beginning of 2017, it resulted from the dynamic growth of the firm and the need to constantly follow the market trends to fulfill our customers’ needs.
Therefore, consistence, implementation of innovative solutions on the market and belief in success have led to the achievement of a strong and stable position of SAHARA, which is proven by numerous distinctions. such as, among others, the Gazelles of Business for the most dynamically developing firms.
The objectives for the coming years are further development through the improvement of the company and the strive for fulfilling the expectations of our customers in terms of broadly understood area of beverages and dietary supplements.

Wytwórnia Napojów Chłodzących SAHARA
Sławomir Folga, Marek Księżopolski
Spółka Jawna
ul. Władysława Grabskiego 35, 32-640 Zator
NIP: 551-000-86-12, REGON: 070016630
Telephone number : +48 33 8791 758
Telephone number : +48 535 636 133
E-mail address: marketing@sahara-napoje.com
Contact us
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